2024-01-02 05:33:35 -

2024-01-01 00:04:51 -
容量大小:14寸的完全没问题,感觉15都装的下 外观颜值:非常喜欢,适合女士 舒适度:轻便,好拿,材质很好,还有背带 材质特点:防泼水 大小尺寸:小巧,14寸电脑买个13的包应该也可以 做工细节:很好

2024-01-15 21:58:04 -

2024-01-02 02:58:10 -

2024-01-11 19:17:39 -

2024-01-13 00:21:54 -

2024-01-01 01:27:23 -

2024-01-07 13:10:54 -

2024-01-25 17:26:58 -

2024-01-01 02:42:35 -

大自然的盛宴(四)--- “动”与“静”中的湖边湿地



我喜爱在游人稀少的晨间漫步在美丽的湖边,因为这样可以与这方水,这段湖岸,这条道,这片草地,还有岸边轻扬舞动的拂柳,早春光影下娇柔的迎春花,以及高洁美丽的天鹅和岸边主人翁野鹅亲密接触。离它们越近,我的心越喜悦。今晨的湖面稍有些风浪,可也让大湖略微显出了英雄本色。晴朗晨间的湖水清澈,轻盈的白浪冲刷着岸边,在焦急的与浅岸握手拥抱后,下一浪又迫不及待地冲上来拍打着尚未冷静的沙滩。 虽然它们的拥抱是热烈的,它们的亲吻是狂放的,可我又明明看到了白色冲浪的优雅和水潮退去沙滩的沉醉。一切都是那么和谐,那是大自然中一对热恋的恋人正相亲相爱的嬉戏在天地间。

与热烈的岸边恋人不同,闭守在大湖与小丘间的水面静逸的像水粉画中的仙境无人打扰。站在小丘的观景台处远眺静水,两只天鹅沐浴在阳光灿烂的晨曦中,犹如高贵无比的汉白玉塑像; 而几只野鹅则在另一侧狭窄的水道中游弋,那份安详和抑制不住的优越感让我好生羡慕。一只红翼黑鸟正在水塘中香蒲杆间灵巧的上下翻飞,它们翅膀上的红色异常醒目,清脆的鸣叫响彻寂静的湿地。还有不服输的哪一类小家伙,用更加高昂的鸣叫声毫不示弱的显示对自己领地的守护。 此时此刻这个空间像极了人类的community, 安静和谐,生机盎然。

远处鹅卵石堆积的堤坝缺口是湿地对大湖的出口,顺着出口向天水一线的大湖望去,湖水一片蔚蓝, 白浪一次又一次地敲击着湿地的大门,就像一群生性顽皮的小男孩不知疲倦地追逐打闹。仙境中有微风,它悄悄地吹过水面,恰似女孩子身上有皱褶的白色纱裙。她们不喜欢男孩子的顽皮,把他们都拒之门外,自己安静的在湿地里“过家家”。大自然真的有魔力吧,此情此景让我恍惚间忆起了孩子幸福的童年。同样是在一个天空碧蓝的清晨,一群如花般灿烂的孩子在城市广场上高兴的玩轮滑。男孩子女孩子各排一纵列,小鸟一般从大人们身边穿过,爸爸妈妈们则小心翼翼的做着各种安全防范,欢乐和阳光洒在每个孩子们的脸上,刻在家长们的心间。男孩子生性勇敢,就喜欢横冲直撞;而女孩子斯文秀气,不喜欢愣头青似的的男同学,悄悄地议论起了男生的种种恼人之处。如今,这些可爱的孩子都已出落成了意气风发的青年和曼妙美少女,就像一只只活泼的小鸟就要在这人生中最美好的晨曦出发。希望你们都会找到人生的幸福之路;但是假如不幸遇到了人生中的暴风雨,请一定要记住找到回家的路,因为家永远是你们温暖安全的港湾,就像这片天堂一般的湿地,它能帮你找回生活的美好和生命的动力,懂得生命的宝贵和珍稀。

出了湿地保护区,大湖壮阔的美丽又跃入眼帘。岸边高高的白桦英俊挺拔,与淡蓝色的湖水相互映衬,真的是天造地设的一对俊男美女。此时气温已经上升,风力减弱,湖水温柔妩媚的拍打沙滩,它们俨然已经从一对性格冲动热烈的情人变成了相亲相爱的一家人。 天鹅,野鹅是他们最钟爱的孩子,天空中飞翔的海鸥亦是这里的常客,他们都幸福的生活在这个美丽的家园中。 这里的自然我一辈子都不会忘记,它已经在我的心里留下了最珍贵美好的回忆。在我的心里,它就是我的家。愿神保佑这里!

”The Piano Guys ” 的 “Over the Rainbow ", 震慑你的心灵 。。。。


A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Liberia

Love these shoes.They also fit me perfectly..Will continue to order
- Singapore

Best and most comfortable shoes ever. I did pay $5.00 more than my normal cost.
- Guam

Very nice shoe doesn't need breaking in for very long about 2 weeks and not so difficult.
- Switzerland

The Nike Air Monarch IV 415445-001 Men's Performance Running Shoes feels comfortable and great for walking
- Switzerland

My 5th pair of Monarch IV. Always a good fit and comfortable. The leather uppers allow me to wear in cooler weather.
- Liberia

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

WOW!!! Love NIKE!!! Just perfect for my feet!! Love this shoes, you can ware them as casual dressing or for cross training!!! It is like walking on AIR!!!!
- Switzerland

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Switzerland

I have bought this same shoe for years so I already know they fit me well. They are comfortable and last a long time. So it's all about price and delivery which are both superior on .Com. I love em! (The shoes that is.)
- Liberia

2024-01-04 08:59:15--
I am very satisfied with the good sound quality and long endurance of headphones.

2024-01-04 00:07:30--
The appearance is fashionable, the wind is strong, and the hair is completely dry in less than a minute, and it does not hurt the hair. I like it

2024-01-04 00:06:58--
Perfect in every detail

2024-01-04 00:06:39--
Great ! Impeccable article good quality and received in 10 days. I will return to this seller 😊👍🏻

2024-01-04 00:05:52--
Got a different purse

2024-01-04 00:04:26--
Love these. Perfect! But clasp could be better!

2024-01-04 00:01:01--
Beautiful! Packaged nicely, arrived sooner than expected!

2024-01-04 00:00:55--
I am so satisfied with my bag. It is so beautiful! Wore it today at the supermarket and had eyes on my bag. I love it so much!!!!!

2024-01-03 23:59:40--
Well worth 10$

2024-01-03 23:59:09--
Quality excellent

2024-01-03 23:59:06--
Very nice thank you

2024-01-03 23:56:05--
Took a month to get here but really nice quality

2024-01-03 23:55:53--
Beautiful ! Looks like the authen .... inlove it

2024-01-03 23:55:27--
Leather feels amazing 10 out of 10 would recommend

2024-01-03 23:53:25--
nice quality and lots of space. the pouch on the inside can be carried alone as a clutch

2024-01-03 23:52:40--
Arrived fairly quick. item was as described. one of the letters on the purse was crooked but I'm still happy with my purchase and the seller.

2024-01-03 23:48:27--
The bag is horrible, definitely not a dupe to the real bag. Hardware threading is terrible. The inside zipper also does not work. seller had no solution to this.

2024-01-03 23:48:07--
Good product, minor things that are not perfect However is a beautiful bag

2024-01-03 23:47:40--
The perfect product. Perfect logistics, perfect seller

2024-01-03 23:46:36--
Always amazing service and amazing products!! Love this bag!! I actually bought it a few weeks ago and then ordered another for my daughter ! The seller is so responsive, always providing information and answering my questions ! And the products, well made and beautiful!! So happy with the service and product! I have ordered many time from this seller and the shipping arrives so quickly - by 2 weeks it is here!

2024-01-03 23:45:59--
Perfect !!! Milly Merci 😍😍😍 Everything is there

2024-01-03 23:29:02--
took 2 months to get here but its cute

2024-01-03 23:28:38--
I love this bracelet it looks so much like the real one it has the designer engraved inside and it’s has a little weight to it. I was struggling a little to get it on and had to force my hand through it😂 it came with a slight smell but that nothing a rinse with soap can’t fix but overall its a great purchase for the price.

2024-01-03 23:27:19--
Excellent seller!

2024-01-03 20:13:32--
Beautiful very good quality

2024-01-01 00:50:30--
Very good quality pictures don’t do no justice you have to see it in person. I will be ordering again. Thank you so much. I am a very happy customer.

2024-01-01 00:49:35--
Omg I love it sm you need to invest

2024-01-01 00:49:21--
I ordered all 3 different colors Beautiful Fast careful shipping and packaging

2024-01-01 00:49:01--
Love this bracelet! Very high quality, love that it screws on, I get compliments often. Love wearing it with multiple other bracelets.

2024-01-01 00:48:22--
The quality is good but not great. The label is sewn upside down what is inadmissible. We see the seam of the label in the back because of the white thread. Too bad

2024-01-01 00:46:49--
Perfect sweater! Excellent details embroidered, cut the compliance with ours.

2024-01-01 00:45:35--

2024-01-01 00:45:33--

2024-01-01 00:44:17--
Nice shirt

2024-01-01 00:42:47--
Good quality T-shirt, fast shipping. Ok communication,

2024-01-01 00:42:19--
Lovely item. Nice colours and great fit. I like a lot with fast delivery. Will buy more from this seller.

2024-01-01 00:40:15--
Shipping took forever, I ordered them on October 19 and didn’t get them until november 26. I know shipping can take a while but it took the seller about a week just to shop them off. Other then that the shoe came out exactly how it is supposed to look

2024-01-01 00:39:36--
Amazing quality runs a little small

2024-01-01 00:38:27--
Great will order again!

2024-01-01 00:38:03--
high quality and fast shipping

2024-01-01 00:36:12--
Very good quality . Great communication they send me photos and explained the process very happy will shop again

2024-01-01 00:36:05--
Very fast shipping, shoes are perfect!!! In fact I already ordered another pair as soon as these arrived and I saw the quality

2024-01-01 00:34:04--
first off let me start by saying this seller has the BEST customer service! they will message you with pictures to confirm your order and they always ship asap! ive never had to message them asking for tracking, they are very prompt with getting your goods out. now the sandals..amazing quality! i bought the pink flower sandals in my 1st order but never got around to posting pics in my review. theyre gorgeous! and i love the snake as well! the quality is amazing. these sandals wont break apart in the rain if they get wet. theyre cozy and perfect for a lazy posh day running errands.

2024-01-01 00:32:32--
The quality is very good , I am very satisfied , the seller is very enthusiastic , highly recommended

2024-01-01 00:30:48--
Unfortunately I never received the article.

2024-01-01 00:30:41--
I am so mad. My shoes had stains all over them and no matter how hard I scrubbed, they didn’t come off.

2024-01-01 00:30:05--
Been waiting on 6 pairs of shoes, not sure if it was an overwhelming order but I request particular colors and sizes. The delivery time was very long and certain shoes arrived before others which I didn’t understand since a purchase was before another one. Then I received 2 of the same shoe and when they finally realized the shipping of the correct color and size took long. Now that it’s here the size is still too small.

2024-01-01 00:28:48--
Shoes were better than I thought only a couple flaws paint not perfect and letters are touching fairly deserves a 4 start overall hood rep

2024-01-01 00:28:08--
mine came in a week and a half which is fast for . They’re pretty accurate and they’re comfy just that if you have a wide foot they might feel a little tight because they are more on the narrow side.

2024-01-01 00:24:17--
strongly support!!!!

2024-01-01 00:23:10--
they are great. thank you!!

2024-01-01 00:22:42--
Comfortable and satisfied .

2024-01-01 00:22:39--
Thanks, looks like original

2024-01-01 00:22:07--
they are great. thank you!!

2024-01-01 00:20:18--
came very fast, excellent quality

2024-01-01 00:18:36--
So comfortable fast delivery, thank you

2024-01-01 00:18:27--
good quality fast shipping will order again

2024-01-01 00:18:09--
The owner is very good, I will patronize again.

2024-01-01 00:16:11--
item received super fast ! really happy with the quality

2024-01-01 00:14:00--
Amazing I love em this the real deal I swear y’all I’m fin buy all the colors lol no cap

Displaying 61 to 120 (of 791 reviews)

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